Braille Book Collection

Braille Logo
 The Library has a collection of Braille enhanced youth books.  Click here to view our Braille Book Collection


Overdrive Logo

  Dyslexic Font option on OverDrive ebook app!


Special Education Class Visits

We can host your class here at the library for a sensory story time or bring the story time to your classroom. Please call 248-869-7235 for more information.

Adaptive Technology

Adaptive technology includes any tools or equipment that assist patrons in accessing information and communication resources. The following adaptive technologies are available at the Novi Public Library:

Low Vision ResourcesMagnifiers

Novi Public Library owns a large collection of magnifiers in different levels of magnification, styles, etc. These magnifiers are available for check-out so patrons may "test drive" the different magnifiers before making an expensive purchase for themselves.

Magnifier   Magnifiers

Come prepared to save your work!

Be sure to bring your own flash drive, portable hard drive, CD/DVD, or have a cloud account to save your work. The Check-Out Desk has flash drives for purchase.